Marijuana Dispensaries in San Antonio

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Are there Marijuana Dispensaries in San Antonio?

No, San Antonio does not allow adult-use marijuana dispensaries since the city upholds state legislation banning the establishment of adult-use dispensing facilities in the state.

Are there Medical Marijuana Dispensaries in San Antonio?

With only three medical marijuana dispensing facilities licensed in the whole of Texas, San Antonio residents can only pick up orders from temporary dispensing facilities of the licensed medical marijuana dispensaries in the city. Consequently, walk-in orders are not permitted at this time. Note that the Compassionate Use Act was approved in 2015, making medical marijuana legal in San Antonio and throughout Texas.

Can You Buy Cannabis from Online Weed Dispensaries in San Antonio?

No. Since selling recreational cannabis is prohibited in the city, you cannot buy adult-use marijuana online. However, it is legal to purchase medical marijuana online in the city.

Visiting a Dispensary in San Antonio

There are no adult-use weed dispensaries in San Antonio. There are also no permanent medical marijuana dispensing locations. However, you may visit the temporary pickup locations to pick up your orders. You should hold your photo ID and medical marijuana prescription when visiting a medical marijuana pickup site.

San Antonio Dispensary Laws

San Antonio has no dispensary laws because recreational cannabis dispensaries are prohibited in the city.

Recreational Laws in San Antonio

Cannabis is illegal for recreational use in San Antonio. Possession of up to two ounces of marijuana is a Class B misdemeanor punishable by up to 180 days imprisonment, a maximum fine of $2,000, or both. Possession of concentrates such as hash oil is a crime punishable by up to two years in state prison and has a maximum sentence of five years.

Medical Cannabis Laws in San Antonio

The medical marijuana laws in San Antonio were adopted in accordance with state medical cannabis laws. The Texas Compassionate Use Act, passed by the Texas legislature in June 2015, allows organizations to cultivate, prepare, and dispense low-THC cannabis to qualified patients in San Antonio. San Antonio residents who wish to use medical marijuana must sign up with the Compassionate Use Registry of Texas (CURT).

CURT enables approved medical professionals to register and recommend to eligible patients medical cannabis products with a maximum THC concentration of 1%. However, smoking THC products is not permitted. Therefore, medicinal marijuana use is restricted to ingestion. You must be a Texas permanent resident and have one of the recognized medical conditions in order to be eligible to enroll in the CURT.

How to Get a Medical Marijuana Card in San Antonio

Texas does not issue medical marijuana (MMJ) cards to its residents. Therefore, the state does not require patients to possess medical marijuana cards before buying or consuming medical marijuana. To use medical marijuana in San Antonio, you only need to be registered in the Compassionate Use Registry of Texas (CURT) and have a current prescription from a licensed healthcare professional.

To be enrolled in the CURT, you must meet these requirements:

While there is no minimum age requirement for enrollment in the CURT or obtaining medical marijuana prescriptions from approved medical professionals, San Antonio residents under the age of 18 may still require the help of their parents or guardians to obtain either. Note that the physician is the individual required to enter the prescription and complete the registration in the CURT. After completing the CURT registration and getting a prescription, you may fill your prescription by placing an order online.

Where is it Legal to Consume Cannabis in San Antonio?

Texas law does not allow the use of marijuana for recreational purposes. Even though legal, it is advised that you refrain from using medical marijuana in public.

How to Buy Cannabis at a San Antonio Dispensary

With marijuana prohibited for adult use in the City of San Antonio, there are no approved dispensaries to purchase it. However, you may purchase medical marijuana online and pick it up when it arrives at a nearby dispensing location.

The Average Price in San Antonio

San Antonio prohibits selling cannabis for adult consumption within its limits. However, an ounce of high-grade medical cannabis in the city costs about $400.

Most Popular Strains in San Antonio

Due to the high THC content of many cannabis strains, only products with less than 1% THC (usually derived from hemp) may be sold to medical marijuana users in the city. Physicians typically prescribe capsules, pills, and tinctures with less than 1% THC.

Can You Smoke in Public in San Antonio?

No, it is illegal to smoke marijuana in public in San Antonio.

How Much Marijuana Can You Possess at Once in San Antonio?

As cannabis remains illegal in Texas, cannabis possession is banned in San Antonio. While registered medical marijuana patients are permitted to possess cannabis, their physicians determine their possession limits. These limits are stipulated in their prescriptions.

Can I Ship Cannabis in San Antonio?

No, shipping cannabis in San Antonio is not allowed. Regardless of the substance's legality in the other jurisdiction, cannabis transportation over state borders is a federal violation that carries severe penalties.

Can I Order Cannabis Online in San Antonio?

You cannot order adult-use cannabis online in San Antonio. However, you may order medical cannabis online if you are a registered patient.

Are there 24-hour Dispensaries in San Antonio?

No. Currently, only medical weed dispensaries operate in San Antonio. Such dispensing facilities are temporary and do not operate for 24 hours.

Can Tourists Use Dispensaries in San Antonio?

Since San Antonio prohibits the establishment of recreational cannabis dispensaries, tourists cannot use adult-use dispensaries in the city. Medical marijuana dispensaries are also out of bounds to tourists.

Do You Need ID for Dispensary in San Antonio?

Due to the city's ban on adult-use weed dispensaries, buying marijuana for recreational use is prohibited inside San Antonio. On the other hand, if you are a registered medical cannabis patient, you may pick up your purchase at the temporary dispensing locations upon providing your valid ID and doctor's prescription and answering a few verification questions.

Best Dispensaries in San Antonio

In San Antonio, there are no recreational weed dispensaries. However, the three licensed dispensing facilities in Texas (Goodblend, Fluent, and Compassionate Cultivation) offer medical marijuana delivery in the city.

Do Dispensaries Scan your ID in San Antonio?

The city has no dispensaries for obtaining marijuana for recreational purposes. Medical cannabis dispensing facilities will scan your ID to verify your identity when you want to take receipt of your orders.

How Many Dispensaries are in San Antonio?

In the City of San Antonio, no dispensaries are permitted to sell marijuana for adult consumption. Only one permanent outlet for distributing medicinal marijuana exists in the city.

Can Dispensaries in San Antonio Take Credit Cards?

San Antonio medical marijuana dispensaries do not accept credit cards.

How Many Dispensaries Can You Visit in One Day?

You can place an order on any of the three licensed dispensing organizations offering deliveries in the city. However, you will not be able to purchase more than is stated on your prescription. You cannot visit an approved adult-use cannabis dispensary in the city.

Do Dispensaries in San Antonio Take Health Insurance?

In the City of San Antonio, there are no licensed marijuana dispensaries. Although medicinal marijuana is accessible in the city to residents registered in the Compassionate Use Registry of Texas, health insurance will not cover their purchases. Health insurance businesses operate under federal law, which still classifies cannabis as an illegal drug.

Do Dispensaries in San Antonio Track How Much Weed You Buy?

While there are no adult-use cannabis dispensaries in the city, medicinal marijuana dispensing facilities use the Texas Compassionate Use Registry to track customers’ purchases before filling their prescriptions. Therefore, your purchases are known to dispensing facilities operating in the city.

Can You Enter a Dispensary in San Antonio at Age 18?

San Antonio has no approved recreational cannabis dispensary. However, you may visit the pickup location for your medical cannabis order if you are 18 or older.

Where Can I Find the San Antonio Cannabis Regulator’s Contact Information?

The cannabis regulatory agency in San Antonio and the rest of Texas is the Texas Department of Public Safety. You may find the contact information of the department on its website.

How Do I Report Illegal Cannabis Activities in San Antonio?

You may report illegal cannabis activities in San Antonio to the SAPD (San Antonio Police Department) or file a complaint with the Texas Department of Safety.