How Many Dispensaries Are in Texas?
Currently, Texas has three licensed medical marijuana dispensaries, also known as dispensing organizations. There are no recreational cannabis dispensaries in Texas, as adult-use marijuana remains illegal.
When Do Texas Marijuana Dispensaries Open Near Me?
The three Texas-licensed medical marijuana dispensaries open between 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. daily. However, contacting them or their partner pick-up locations via phone is a great way to find out the exact time they open to customers.
Do Texas Cannabis Dispensaries Open Late Near Me?
Texas-licensed cannabis dispensaries close at different times. Typically, they close between 6:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. daily. However, marijuana consumers can check Texas dispensaries’ websites for their operating hours or contact them using the phone numbers listed on the websites to confirm their exact closing hours.
Are There Texas Dispensaries Near Me That Deliver?
Yes. All three Texas-licensed marijuana dispensaries are authorized to deliver low-THC cannabis prescriptions to ensure statewide access for registered cannabis patients. Low-THC cannabis orders are delivered within one to three days to most locations in Texas.
Are There Texas Dispensaries That Ship Out of State?
No Texas-licensed marijuana dispensary can ship cannabis out of state. Marijuana is considered a Schedule I controlled substance under the Controlled Substances Act (CSA). As a result, it is illegal to ship cannabis across state lines. Marijuana is heavily regulated at the federal level, and transporting it outside Texas is a federal offense.
Are There Recreational Dispensaries in Texas?
No. There are no recreational marijuana dispensaries in Texas because adult-use cannabis remains illegal in the state.
What Do I Need to Bring to a Texas Recreational Marijuana Dispensary Near Me?
The sale of recreational marijuana is illegal in Texas because the state has yet to legalize adult-use cannabis. Per Section 481.120 of the Texas Health and Safety Code (HSC), knowingly delivering recreational cannabis is a criminal offense with differing severity and penalties depending on the amount of cannabis involved.
What Do I Need to Bring to a Texas Medical Marijuana Dispensary Near Me?
Registered cannabis patients must have their physicians enter their low-THC prescriptions in the Compassionate Use Registry of Texas (CURT) before heading to any Texas medical cannabis dispensary. Once a patient confirms their prescription entry in the CURT and is ready to go to a dispensary, they must hold a valid government-issued photo identification card. Additionally, the attending staff at the dispensary will request the patient's last name, date of birth, and the last five digits of their social security number (SSN) before filling their prescription.
Can I Visit a Texas Dispensary Near Me Without a Medical Marijuana Card?
The Texas Compassionate Use Program does not issue medical marijuana cards to qualifying patients. Hence, registered cannabis patients do not need a medical marijuana card to visit Texas legal marijuana dispensaries nearby. All that is required is for their physicians to input their low-THC prescriptions in the CURT to enable them to visit licensed medical cannabis dispensaries and fill such prescriptions. Patients only need to present valid government-issued photo IDs and provide information like their last name, birth date, and the last five digits of their SSNs when visiting licensed dispensaries.
Can I Enter a Texas Dispensary Near Me at Age 18?
Qualifying cannabis patients in Texas often ask; can I enter legal Texas marijuana dispensaries near me at 18? The answer is yes. However, they must be permanent Texas residents and enrolled in the Compassionate Use Program. Additionally, they must have valid low-THC prescriptions entered in the CURT by their physicians before entering any Texas-licensed medical marijuana dispensary.
How Many Texas Dispensaries Near Me Can I Visit in A Day?
No specific state law bars cannabis patients from visiting multiple Texas-licensed marijuana dispensaries in a day. However, their purchase is limited to whatever is entered for them in the CURT. A cannabis patient will be stopped from purchasing cannabis If they enter a Texas marijuana dispensary to refill a low-THC prescription that another dispensary has previously filled.
Do Texas Dispensaries Near Me Take Credit Cards?
No, Texas-licensed medical marijuana dispensaries do not take credit cards as a payment method for low-THC cannabis purchases. The federal ban on cannabis makes it hard for banks and credit card companies to complete marijuana sales transactions, as they are federally regulated. Licensed dispensaries in Texas rely mostly on cash payments. Although it is not ideal, some dispensaries provide on-site ATMs for customers who are willing to pay additional charges. Dispensaries offering on-site ATM services are fond of masking their dispensary names from ATM transaction receipts to prevent banks from recognizing marijuana transactions in customers' bank accounts.
Do Texas Dispensaries Near Me Accept Medical Insurance?
No. Texas marijuana dispensaries do not accept medical insurance, as marijuana remains illegal and prohibited at the federal level, and federal laws regulate health insurance companies. Medical cannabis is not covered by any health insurance plan, including Medicaid and Medicare, because, according to federal law, cannabis does not have any recognized medicinal use.
Do Texas Dispensaries Near Me Track How Much Weed I Buy?
Yes, licensed marijuana dispensaries in Texas track the amount of low-THC cannabis they dispense to qualified cannabis patients. They do this by recording every low-THC cannabis sale transaction in the CURT. Hence, a low-THC prescription that a dispensary has previously filled cannot be filled by another cannabis dispensary, as it will show up as already filled.