Marijuana Dispensaries in Bryan

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Are there Marijuana Dispensaries in Bryan?

No. In the City of Bryan, recreational marijuana dispensaries are not present, as the sale of a prohibited drug is illegal in any location in Texas. Cannabis is classified as a controlled substance in the state under the Texas Controlled Substances Act.

Are there Medical Marijuana Dispensaries in Bryan?

No. None of Texas’ three approved medical cannabis dispensing organizations has a permanent dispensing site in the City of Bryan.

Can You Buy Cannabis from Online Weed Dispensaries in Bryan?

In Bryan, it is not possible to purchase cannabis through an online dispensary licensed by the City of Brian to operate within its jurisdiction. However, you can still access medical-grade cannabis by purchasing it from dispensaries approved by the state to sell low-THC cannabis statewide. If you order medical cannabis from the dispensaries, you can have your products delivered to your address.

Visiting a Dispensary in Bryan

At present, the City of Bryan has yet to establish dispensaries. Nonetheless, eligible individuals may still procure their medical-grade cannabis through the temporary prescription pick-up sites that may be established within the city limits. If you qualify to use these facilities, it is imperative that you possess a valid medical marijuana prescription issued by a physician licensed in Texas, along with a government-issued identification card. Additionally, carrying cash or debit cards is advisable, as credit card transactions may not be accepted.

Bryan Dispensary Laws

Although there are presently no cannabis dispensaries in Bryan, future temporary dispensing site or permanent dispensing facility that may be established in the city must not contravene the following laws:

  • Dispensing sites may not be located within 1,000 feet of a daycare center or school.

  • Dispensaries may only sell cannabis products containing no more than 1% THC

  • Persons employed by dispensaries must obtain registrations pursuant to Section 487.151 of the Texas Health and Safety Code in order to work legally at the facilities

  • Dispensaries must not permit cannabis use on their properties

  • Dispensaries must use the Compassionate Use Registry of Texas to track cannabis sales

Recreational Laws in Bryan

In Bryan, the possession, cultivation, use, or sale of marijuana is strictly prohibited and can result in severe consequences. However, if an individual is found to be in possession of a limited amount, it may be considered a simple marijuana possession offense, classified as a Class B misdemeanor. This offense carries a potential punishment of a 180-day jail term, a $2,000 fine, or both. A court may also impose probation, which could include drug testing and community service.

Medical Cannabis Laws in Bryan

Only specific categories of persons can access medical cannabis in Bryan under the Texas Compassionate Use Act (CUA). The CUA stipulates that persons suffering from epilepsy, cancer, seizure disorders, autism, Post-Traumatic Stress disorder, multiple sclerosis, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, spasticity, and incurable neurodegenerative diseases can legally access medical-grade cannabis in the city. Medical-grade cannabis refers to cannabis products containing no more than 1% THC by dry weight. These products are usable and available as tinctures or oils. It is illegal to smoke low-THC cannabis under the CUA.

Before you may access medical cannabis in Bryan, you must be enrolled in the CURT (Compassionate Use Registry of Texas) and obtain a medical cannabis prescription. The prescription issued will contain the maximum amounts of low-THC cannabis you may purchase or possess. Possessing more than the stated amount is an offense and can be punished severely. Note that it is illegal to cultivate cannabis at home for medical purposes.

How to Get a Medical Marijuana Card in Bryan

The Texas Compassionate Use Act (CUA) does not provide for the issuance of medical marijuana cards. Instead, it requires patients to enroll in the Texas Compassionate Use Registry (CURT) and get low-THC cannabis prescriptions to be able to access medical cannabis. Under the Texas CUA, for low-THC cannabis prescriptions to be valid, they must be issued by physicians certified under the Texas Compassionate Use Program (TCUP).

To ensure your physician is approved to prescribe low-THC cannabis, check the healthcare provider’s eligibility using the physician search tool on the Department of Public Safety website. During your appointment with the healthcare provider, the physician will confirm that you have a qualifying condition listed under the TCUP and determine that the benefits of medical marijuana use outweigh any potential risks in your circumstance. A parent or legal guardian may be required to accompany a minor to the appointment with the physician.

Once your information, including the low-THC cannabis prescription, has been added to the CURT, it will be accessible to all licensed dispensing organizations in Texas. When picking up your order, bring a valid government-issued ID with your name, date of birth, and the last five digits of your Social Security Number (SSN). If your parent or legal guardian is the individual filling the prescription, the individual will also need to present a valid government-issued ID.

Where is it Legal to Consume Cannabis in Bryan?

It is illegal to consume cannabis outdoors or in public. While recreational cannabis consumption is illegal in any location, CURT-registered patients with valid medical cannabis prescriptions can use low-THC cannabis on private property.

How to Buy Cannabis at a Bryan Dispensary

It is not possible to buy adult-use cannabis legally in Bryan. In order to obtain your medical cannabis prescription at a Bryan prescription pick-up site, you must have a valid prescription listed in the Texas Compassionate Use Registry. You will also need to present a government-issued ID and bring cash when visiting the dispensary.

The Average Price in Bryan

The price of low-THC cannabis sold to medical cannabis buyers in Bryan can vary based on the dispensing organization and the ratio of the tetrahydrocannabinol to the cannabinol of cannabidiol of the products. The average price range for edibles is between $30 and $65. As for low-THC tincture oils, the following prices are typical:

  • 1:1 CBD:THC Tincture Oil - $65

  • 2:1 CBN:THC Tincture Oil - $100

  • 4:1 CBD:THC Tincture Oil - $85

  • 19:1 CBD:THC Tincture Oil - $105

Most Popular Strains in Bryan

Cannabis strains are not common in Bryan. The medical cannabis products sold to patients in the city do not contain high THC content. Low-THC products are often made from hemp or CBD.

Can You Smoke in Public in Bryan?

No, smoking cannabis or low-THC products is illegal in Bryan.

How Much Marijuana Can You Possess at Once in Bryan?

It is against the law to possess adult-use cannabis due to its prohibited status under Texas law. On the other hand, individuals who hold valid low-THC cannabis prescriptions in the Texas Compassionate Use Registry are allowed to have the specified quantity of cannabis indicated on their medical cannabis prescriptions.

Can I Ship Cannabis in Bryan?

No. Shipping cannabis across state borders is prohibited in Bryan. Even if you are shipping medical cannabis or cannabis is legal in the other jurisdiction, you risk federal violation if caught transporting cannabis across state lines.

Can I Order Cannabis Online in Bryan?

Although you have the option to order cannabis from any of the three approved dispensing organizations in Texas, none of them are located within the city limits of Bryan.

Are there 24-hour Dispensaries in Bryan?

No. There are no 24-hour dispensaries in the City of Bryan.

Can Tourists Use Dispensaries in Bryan?

No. There are currently no permanent dispensaries in Bryan. When medical cannabis prescription pick-up sites are available in the city, only permanent Texas residents registered in the Compassionate Use Registry of Texas (CURT) are eligible to visit and pick up their orders.

Do You Need ID for Dispensary in Bryan?

When medical prescription pick-up sites are in operation in Bryan, you will be required to bring a valid government-issued ID in order to access the facility.

Best Dispensaries in Bryan

At the moment, there are no dispensaries available for visits in Bryan. However, any of the three approved dispensaries in Texas, Fluent, good blend, and Compassionate Cultivation, may set up a prescription pick-up site in the city.

Do Dispensaries Scan your ID in Bryan?

When operating in Bryan, prescription pick-up sites will require customers to have their ID scanned before being allowed to pick up their medical-grade cannabis product orders.

How Many Dispensaries are in Bryan?

There are no permanent dispensaries in the City of Bryan.

Can Dispensaries in Bryan Take Credit Cards?

Prescription pick-up sites do not usually accept credit card payments.

How Many Dispensaries Can You Visit in One Day?

There are no dispensaries in Bryan.

Do Dispensaries in Bryan Take Health Insurance?

Health insurance policies do not provide coverage for medical cannabis purchases. The dispensing organizations selling medical-grade cannabis to residents of Bryan do not accept health insurance as a form of payment.

Do Dispensaries in Bryan Track How Much Weed You Buy?

Dispensaries offering online services to low-THC cannabis buyers in Bryan use the Compassionate Use Registry of Texas (CURT) to monitor their weed purchases.

Can You Enter a Dispensary in Bryan at Age 18?

If a medical cannabis prescription pick-up site opens in Bryan, you can enter the facility at 18 if you have a valid medical cannabis prescription.

Where Can I Find the Bryan Cannabis Regulator’s Contact Information?

The Texas Department of Public Safety regulates medical cannabis activities in Bryan. You may reach the Texas DPS using its contact information online.

How Do I Report Illegal Cannabis Activities in Bryan?

You may report illegal cannabis activities in the City of Bryan to the Texas Department of Public Safety or the Bryan Police Department by calling the PD at (979) 361-3888.