Marijuana Dispensaries in McKinney

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Are there Marijuana Dispensaries in McKinney?

Yes, McKinney has a few marijuana dispensaries. However, there are no recreational marijuana dispensaries in the city. While recreational cannabis is still illegal in Texas, McKinney's home state, in 2015, the state enacted the Texas Compassionate Use Act. The Compassionate Use Act is a restrictive law that heavily regulates medical marijuana for qualifying patients with certain medical conditions. The Act permits patients to access cannabis-derived oil with no more than 1% THC from licensed dispensing organizations. Per Section 487.201 of the Texas Health and Safety Code, no county, municipality, or other political subdivision, including McKinney, may adopt an ordinance prohibiting low-THC cannabis dispensing.

Are there Medical Marijuana Dispensaries in McKinney?

Yes, there are medical cannabis dispensaries in McKinney. Chapter 487 of the Texas Health and Safety Code requires the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) to establish at least three dispensing organizations in the state. The three Texas cannabis dispensary brands, Fluent, Compassionate Cultivation, and goodblend, currently sell low-THC cannabis products to eligible patients in McKinney.

Can You Buy Cannabis from Online Weed Dispensaries in McKinney?

Yes. While it is illegal to purchase weed for recreational purposes in McKinney, eligible patients in the city can buy low-THC cannabis from online weed dispensaries and have it delivered to their local addresses. However, online dispensaries are not permitted to sell recreational marijuana to residents of the city. An internet search using "McKinney weed dispensary online" will return a list of cannabis dispensaries in McKinney offering online sales services.

Visiting a Dispensary in McKinney

Unlike most states with medical marijuana programs, Texas does not have a medical marijuana card. Instead, a patient's registered physician must enter their prescription in the Compassionate Use Registry of Texas (CURT). Hence, a patient approved to use low-THC cannabis products must ensure that a registered physician has entered their information and prescription in CURT before visiting a dispensary in McKinney. Typically, the dispensary will search for the patient in the CURT system during their (patient) visit and dispense low-THC cannabis as prescribed by the physician. To be eligible to visit a dispensary in McKinney, a patient must be at least 18 years old, diagnosed with certain medical conditions, and be a Texas permanent resident.

McKinney Dispensary Laws

Dispensary laws in McKinney are contained in Section 487.201 of the Texas Health and Safety Code. These include:

  • A cannabis dispensary in McKinney must obtain a license from the Texas Department of Safety (DPS) to legally dispense low-THC cannabis

  • Before dispensing low-THC cannabis to a patient with a low-THC cannabis prescription, a dispensary in McKinney must verify the following:

    • That the prescription is for an individual listed as a patient in the CURT

    • That the prescription matches the entry in the CURT

    • That another dispensary has not previously filled the patient's prescription

  • After dispensing low-THC cannabis to an eligible patient, a McKinney cannabis dispensary must record the quantity and form of low-THC cannabis dispensed as well as the time and date of fulfilling the prescription in the CURT

Recreational Laws in McKinney

Recreational use of marijuana is illegal in Texas. The following are some of the recreational cannabis laws in McKinney:

  • Per Section 481.121 of the Texas Health and Safety Code (HSC), marijuana possession is a criminal offense with varying severity based on the quantity of cannabis possessed

  • Per Section 481.120 of the HSC, knowingly delivering cannabis in McKinney is a criminal offense with varying levels of penalties depending on the amount of cannabis delivered

  • Per Section 481.22 of the HSC, intentional delivery of marijuana to an individual under 18 years of age is a felony in the second degree

Medical Cannabis Laws in McKinney

The following are medical cannabis laws in McKinney:

  • Only patients with certain medical conditions can access low-THC cannabis. Such conditions include spasticity, epilepsy, cancer, autism, PTSD, multiple sclerosis, and a seizure disorder. Also, only qualified physicians can prescribe low-THC cannabis to patients with these conditions

  • Medical marijuana patients in McKinney may only obtain cannabis from licensed dispensaries with valid prescriptions in order to be exempted from the state's possession laws and penalties

  • Driving while under the influence (DUI) of marijuana is prohibited, even if a patient has a valid prescription for medical cannabis. The first offense is a Class B misdemeanor

  • It is illegal for a medical marijuana patient to possess more than 2.5 ounces of cannabis in a 14-day period unless a registered physician has verified that the patient needs more than 2.5 ounces of marijuana to manage their medical condition

How to Get a Medical Marijuana Card in McKinney?

Texas does not issue medical marijuana cards under the state's Compassionate Use Program (CUP). Medical marijuana patients can visit licensed dispensaries in McKinney once registered physicians enter their prescriptions in the CURT.

Where is it Legal to Consume Cannabis in McKinney?

Although Texas does not have any clear rules on marijuana consumption in public, it is safer to use cannabis in a private residence in McKinney. Under federal law, it is illegal to use marijuana on any federal property in the city.

How to Buy Cannabis at a McKinney dispensary

Once a registered physician enters a patient's prescription in the Compassionate Use Registry for Texas (CURT), the patient can purchase low-THC cannabis from any licensed dispensary in McKinney. Typically, dispensaries search the CURT system for patients' information before filling their prescriptions.

The Average Price in McKinney

The average price of high-quality cannabis per ounce in McKinney is about $322. Patients can visit dispensaries in McKinney to ascertain the most current pricing of low-THC cannabis.

Most Popular Strains in McKinney

The most popular strains of cannabis in McKinney include purple haze, pineapple express, blue dream, harlequin, Acapulco gold, and amnesia haze.

Can You Smoke in Public in McKinney?

No. Smoking cannabis in public is prohibited in McKinney. Texas law only permits swallowing the prescribed dose of low-THC cannabis. Although state law does not explicitly restrict cannabis flowers, they are unavailable through the CUP.

How Much Marijuana Can You Possess at Once in McKinney?

The amount of low-THC cannabis a patient can possess in McKinney is usually determined by their physician's prescription.

Can I Ship Cannabis in McKinney?

No. It is illegal to ship cannabis by mail in McKinney since cannabis remains illegal at the federal level. Mail delivery services, including the United States Postal Service (USPS), operate on federal laws.

Can I Order Cannabis Online in McKinney?

Yes. Eligible patients may order low-THC cannabis in McKinney from licensed weed dispensaries online. Once their physicians enter their prescriptions in the CURT, patients can request refills online via portals provided by any Texas-licensed dispensary. However, they must provide their valid IDs upon receipt of their orders.

Are there 24-hour Dispensaries in McKinney?

Section 487 of the Health and Safety Code and the Compassionate Use Administrative Rules do not specify the number of hours dispensaries must operate daily. Hence, cannabis dispensaries in McKinney may choose to run for 24 hours each day.

Can Tourists Use Dispensaries in McKinney?

Tourists from other parts of Texas can use cannabis dispensaries in McKinney, provided their physicians have already added their prescriptions to the CURT system before visiting the city. A medical cannabis prescription from another state cannot be filled in Texas. Section 487.107 of the HSC only authorizes a person who must be a Texas permanent resident to possess low-THC cannabis obtained through a physician registered with CUP. Hence, out-of-state tourists cannot visit weed dispensaries in McKinney.

Do You Need ID for Dispensary in McKinney?

An identification card is not required to refill a low-THC cannabis prescription at dispensaries in McKinney. However, if requesting a refill online, a dispensary will require that the patient provide their ID during delivery.

Best Dispensaries in McKinney

Find the best dispensary in McKinney by searching online using such terms as "best dispensary near me" or "best dispensary in McKinney." The search result will display various customer reviews regarding their low-THC cannabis products and the quality of customer service.

Do Dispensaries Scan your ID in McKinney?

No. Dispensaries in McKinney do not require patients to provide their IDs to refill their low-THC cannabis prescriptions. Typically, dispensaries dispense to patients based on the information and prescriptions entered into the CURT system.

How Many Dispensaries are in McKinney?

The three licensed dispensaries in Texas have pickup locations in different parts of the state, including McKinney.

Can Dispensaries in McKinney Take Credit Cards?

No. Cannabis is still federally illegal. As a result, dispensaries in McKinney do not take credit cards. They only accept cash payments.

How Many Dispensaries You Can Visit in One Day

Texas cannabis law does not stipulate the number of dispensaries a patient can visit in one day. A patient may only visit a cannabis dispensary in McKinney if their physician has entered their low-THC cannabis prescription to the CURT.

Do Dispensaries in McKinney Take Health Insurance?

Weed dispensaries in McKinney do not accept health insurance for low-THC cannabis product orders because marijuana is still federally illegal.

Do Dispensaries in McKinney Track How Much Weed You Buy?

Yes. Marijuana dispensaries in McKinney can only dispense low-THC cannabis to patients based on their prescriptions entered into the CURT system.

Can You Enter a Dispensary in McKinney at Age 18?

Although there are no age restrictions for low-THC cannabis prescriptions in Texas, patients under 18 may need a legal guardian to accompany them while visiting weed dispensaries in McKinney.

Where Can I Find McKinney Cannabis Regulator’s Contact Information?

McKinney cannabis regulator’s contact information is available on the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) website.

How Do I Report Illegal Cannabis Activities in McKinney?

Residents can report illegal cannabis activities in McKinney to the DPS by calling (844) 643-2251 or the McKinney Police Department at (972) 547-2741