Marijuana Dispensaries in Conroe

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Are there Marijuana Dispensaries in Conroe?

No. Recreational marijuana dispensaries do not exist in the City of Conroe. It is illegal to sell a prohibited drug in any Texas location. Note that cannabis is a controlled substance in the State of Texas under the state’s Controlled Substances Act.

Are there Medical Marijuana Dispensaries in Conroe?

No. There are no medical marijuana dispensaries operating within the City of Conroe.

Can You Buy Cannabis from Online Weed Dispensaries in Conroe?

You cannot buy cannabis online in Conroe as there are no weed dispensaries operating online or physically in the city. However, Conroe residents can purchase medical-grade cannabis online from the approved dispensaries in Texas.

Visiting a Dispensary in Conroe

There are presently no permanent dispensaries in the City of Conroe. However, temporary medical marijuana prescription pickup sites may be erected in the city for qualified persons to pick up the orders for medical-grade cannabis. If a temporary prescription pickup site operates in the city, you must have an active medical marijuana prescription issued by a Texas-licensed physician and a valid government-issued ID to pick up your order. You may also require cash or a debit card, as credit cards are not accepted.

Conroe Dispensary Laws

Dispensing sites that may operate in Conroe are required to comply with Texas laws. Per Texas Administrative Rule 12.7 (n), such sites may not be established within 1,000 feet of a daycare center or school. Dispensaries may only sell low-THC cannabis products and sell such products to persons with valid. Persons working at dispensing organizations are required to obtain registrations to work at the facilities under Section 487.151 of the Texas Health and Safety Code.

Note that only dispensaries that have been licensed by the Texas Department of Public Safety may operate in the City of Conroe. Also, dispensaries must track cannabis sales using the Compassionate Use Registry of Texas.

Recreational Laws in Conroe

Marijuana is illegal in Conroe. Hence, possessing, cultivating, using, or selling cannabis in the city attracts severe penalties. However, possessing only a small amount of the substance is typically charged as a simple marijuana possession offense. If you have up to two ounces of cannabis in your possession, you are likely to be charged with a Class B misdemeanor which carries a maximum penalty of up to 180 days imprisonment, a $2,000 fine, or both. A court may also impose probation of up to 24 months involving drug testing and community service as potential penalties. Regardless of the amount consumed, if caught driving while impaired from cannabis use, you may be charged with a DUI.

Medical Cannabis Laws in Conroe

Persons with approved medical marijuana conditions under the Texas Compassionate Use Program can possess and use medical cannabis in Conroe. Texas, under the TCUP, established a restricted form of medical cannabis for persons suffering from:

  • Cancer

  • Autism

  • Spasticity

  • Epilepsy

  • Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis

  • Multiple Sclerosis

  • Seizure Disorders

  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

  • Incurable neurodegenerative diseases

The state only permits persons with the above-listed conditions to access cannabis containing no more than 1% THC by dry weight. Note that THC, also called tetrahydrocannabinol, is the psychoactive ingredient in cannabis. Qualifying patients must register to be enrolled in the CURT and receive valid low-THC cannabis recommendations from TCUP-approved physicians before ordering medical cannabis from approved dispensing organizations. Not that smoking is not an approved method of consuming low-THC cannabis under the Texas Compassionate Use Act (CUA), which approved low-THC use statewide.

How to Get a Medical Marijuana Card in Conroe

You cannot get a medical marijuana card as the Texas Compassionate Use Act makes no provision for the issuance of medical marijuana cards on the Texas Compassionate Use Program. Patients registered under the TCUP are only required to have medical-grade cannabis prescriptions from certified physicians after enrolling in the Texas Compassionate Use Registry (CURT). If you are unsure whether your attending physician is approved to issue a low-THC cannabis prescription, use the Department of Public Safety website search tool to verify the healthcare provider's eligibility.

Note that your certifying physician will add your information to the CURT. The physician will confirm that you have one of the conditions listed under the TCUP and verify that the benefits of medical marijuana to treat your condition outweighs the potential risks. If you are a minor with a qualifying condition, the physician may request the presence of your parent or legal guardian. The information for your parent or legal guardian will also be added to the CURT.

At the end of the appointment with the physician, the healthcare practitioner will add a low-THC cannabis prescription for you in the CURT, which will be accessible to all licensed dispensing organizations in Texas. When you visit a prescription pickup site to receive your order, the dispensary will verify your prescription in the CURT and require you to provide a valid government-issued ID with your name, date of birth, and the last five digits of your Social Security Number (SSN). If your parent or legal guardian is filling your prescription, the dispensary will also ask for the person's valid government-issued ID.

Where is it Legal to Consume Cannabis in Conroe?

Cannabis use is not permitted on private properties or public areas. However, if you are a registered patient, you can use medical-grade cannabis on private property in Conroe.

How to Buy Cannabis at a Conroe Dispensary

You cannot purchase adult-use cannabis legally at any location in Conroe. To purchase or pick up your order at a Conroe medical cannabis prescription pickup site, you must have a valid medical cannabis prescription in the Compassionate Use Registry of Texas and visit the location of the dispensing site with a valid government-issued ID and cash. To find out if there are prescription pickup sites in the city, search online using the search term “cannabis dispensaries near me.”

The Average Price in Conroe

The prices of medical-grade cannabis sold to Conroe residents typically vary depending on the dispensing organization and the CBD-to-THC or CBN-TO-THC ratio of the product. Edibles usually cost between $30 and $60, while the following are typical prices for low-THC tincture oils:

  • 2:1 CBN:THC Tincture Oil - $105

  • 4:1 CBD:THC Tincture Oil - $80

  • 1:1 CBD:THC Tincture Oil - $60

  • 19:1 CBD:THC Tincture Oil - $100

Most Popular Strains in Conroe

OG Kush is a top-rated purchase among low-THC cannabis buyers in the City of Conroe.

Can You Smoke in Public in Conroe?

No, regardless of your medical status, it is illegal to smoke marijuana in public places in Conroe.

How Much Marijuana Can You Possess at Once in Conroe?

Adult-use cannabis possession is illegal in Conroe due to its illegal status under Texas law. However, persons with valid low-THC cannabis prescriptions in the Compassionate Use Registry of Texas can have the cannabis amounts stated on their medical cannabis prescriptions.

Can I Ship Cannabis in Conroe?

No. Shipping cannabis is prohibited in Conroe. Regardless of your medical status, it is illegal to move cannabis across state borders into or out of Conroe.

Can I Order Cannabis Online in Conroe?

Although you may order cannabis from any of Texas’ three approved dispensing organizations, none of the businesses operate in the City of Conroe. Orders placed online via the online menus of the approved organizations may be shipped to your doorstep or picked up at a pickup location.

Are there 24-hour Dispensaries in Conroe?

No. There are no 24-hour dispensaries in the City of Conroe.

Can Tourists Use Dispensaries in Conroe?

No. There are no permanent dispensaries in the city. When medical cannabis prescription pickup sites operate in Conroe, only permanent residents of Texas registered in the CURT may visit to pick up their orders.

Do You Need ID for Dispensary in Conroe?

When medical prescription pick-up sites operate in the city, you will need a valid government-issued ID to access such facilities.

Best Dispensaries in Conroe

There are currently no dispensaries to visit in the city. However, any of Texas’ three approved dispensaries may operate a prescription pickup site in the city. The approved dispensing organizations in Texas are Fluent, goodblend, and Compassionate Cultivation.

Do Dispensaries Scan your ID in Conroe?

Prescription pickup sites that may operate in Conroe will scan the IDs of customers before allowing them to pick up low-THC cannabis product orders.

How Many Dispensaries are in Conroe?

There are no permanent dispensaries in the City of Conroe.

Can Dispensaries in Conroe Take Credit Cards?

Prescription pickup sites that may operate in the city do not accept credit cards. Purchases are usually completed using cash or debit cards.

How Many Dispensaries Can You Visit in One Day?

There are no dispensaries in Conroe that you may visit.

Do Dispensaries in Conroe Take Health Insurance?

Health insurance plans do not cover medical cannabis purchases. Dispensing organizations selling low-THC cannabis to Conroe residents do not accept health insurance.

Do Dispensaries in Conroe Track How Much Weed You Buy?

Dispensaries selling medical-grade cannabis to Conroe residents use the Compassionate Use Registry of Texas to track weed purchases.

Can You Enter a Dispensary in Conroe at Age 18?

You can enter a low-THC cannabis prescription pickup site at 18 when one operates in the city if you have a CURT-issued medical cannabis prescription.

Where Can I Find the Conroe Cannabis Regulator’s Contact Information?

The Texas Department of Public Safety regulates medical cannabis activities in the city. You may contact the Texas DPS using the information on its online page.

How Do I Report Illegal Cannabis Activities in Conroe?

You may report illegal cannabis activities in Conroe to the Texas Department of Public Safety or the Conroe Police Department by calling the PD at (936) 522-3200.