Marijuana Dispensaries in Allen

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Are there Marijuana Dispensaries in Allen?

No. Allen does not have any adult-use medical marijuana dispensaries. As a result of cannabis' classification as a controlled substance under the Texas Controlled Substances Act, the sale of cannabis is illegal in all of the cities and municipalities, including Allen.

Are there Medical Marijuana Dispensaries in Allen?

No. None of the Texas-approved dispensaries has a permanent physical address in the City of Allen.

Can You Buy Cannabis from Online Weed Dispensaries in Allen?

Due to the prohibition on the sale of adult-use cannabis in Allen, recreational cannabis cannot be purchased online. In addition, there are no permanent medical marijuana dispensaries in the city.

Visiting a Dispensary in Allen

There are no medical or recreational weed dispensaries in the City of Allen. Patients who are eligible to purchase low-THC cannabis may be able to pick up their orders from temporary medical prescription sites. Note that these sites are not always available in the city. Sometimes one of the approved dispensaries in Texas may operate a temporary prescription site or run a mobile cannabis dispensary in the city. Patients must carry valid photo identification when visiting one of these prescription pick-up sites.

Allen Dispensary Laws

There are no provisions for recreational marijuana dispensaries in the Allen City Code of Ordinances or the Texas cannabis laws. However, potential marijuana dispensaries in Allen or their dispensing sites are required to comply with state laws on the operations of such cannabis establishments. Dispensaries or dispensing sites may not be located within 1,000 feet of a school or daycare center. Only persons with valid registrations in the Compassionate Use Registry of Texas may obtain low-THC cannabis from a dispensing site. Such persons must have active medical cannabis prescriptions issued by approved physicians. Dispensaries are also required to ensure that buyers are not sold more low-THC cannabis products than are stated on their prescriptions. They must also keep track of medical cannabis sales using the CURT.

Recreational Laws in Allen

In Allen, the use of marijuana for recreational purposes is strictly prohibited and considered a criminal offense. This applies to all aspects of marijuana, including cultivation, manufacturing, sale, possession, transportation, and distribution. According to Sections 481.120 to 481.122 of the Texas Health and Safety Code, persons found in possession, use, cultivation, sale, and distribution of marijuana will face penalties as outlined in the Texas Penal Code, Chapter 12. The penalties for marijuana-related crimes in Allen can be severe and will depend on the specific circumstances of the offense, such as the amount of marijuana involved.

Medical Cannabis Laws in Allen

The laws surrounding medical cannabis in Allen are derived from the state's medical marijuana laws and include several important regulations. Firstly, only low-THC cannabis with a THC content of no more than 1% by dry weight is considered legal for medical use in Allen. Furthermore, medical cannabis is not available to everyone but to patients with certain debilitating health conditions, such as autism, epilepsy, seizure disorder, spasticity, PTSD, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, incurable neurodegenerative disease, and terminal cancer.

Additionally, medical cannabis patients in Allen are limited to possessing no more low-THC cannabis than is stated on the patients’ current medical cannabis prescriptions. Medical cannabis prescriptions may only be issued upon successful registrations in the Compassionate Use Registry of Texas. Patient registrations in the CURT will be completed by physicians approved under the Texas Compassionate Use Program.

Cultivating cannabis at home and operating a vehicle under the influence of marijuana are both illegal for medical cannabis patients. Furthermore, per Section 169.001 of the Texas Occupation Code, smoking medical cannabis is also prohibited in Allen.

How to Get a Medical Marijuana Card in Allen

In Allen, residents do not need medical marijuana cards to purchase medical cannabis products. Instead, low-THC cannabis products can be legally purchased online by individuals who are registered with the Compassionate Use Registry of Texas (CURT) and have obtained valid medical cannabis prescriptions.

To be eligible for registration in the CURT, an individual must:

  • Reside permanently in the City of Allen or other locations in Texas

  • Be diagnosed with debilitating conditions, such as multiple sclerosis, PTSD, spasticity, cancer, autism, ALS, epilepsy, incurable neurodegenerative disease, or a seizure disorder

  • Have a qualified Texas physician approved under the Texas Compassionate Use Program (TCUP) determine that the risk of using low-THC cannabis is reasonable compared to the potential benefits. The physician must be approved under the TCUP before the registration can be considered valid. A list of certified Texas physicians is available on the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) website using the Physician Search tool

It is important to note that the Compassionate Use Act does not place age limitations on low-THC use. Therefore, individuals under 18 may still register in the CURT but may require the assistance of their parents or legal guardians. The registration processes for patients and guardians are completed by physicians. These health practitioners will also include the names and last five digits of the Social Security Numbers of legal guardians for minors in the CURT. After completing the registration, the physician will also issue medical cannabis prescriptions for the registering patients. When purchasing low-THC cannabis products, patients or legal guardians will be required to show proof of identification to the dispensing organization

Where is it Legal to Consume Cannabis in Allen?

Cannabis may not be consumed for recreational purposes anywhere in the City of Allen. The use of cannabis in public or private is prohibited. However, if you have an active medical cannabis prescription, you may consume low-THC cannabis within the prescribed limits within your private home or residence.

How to Buy Cannabis at an Allen Dispensary

There are no dispensaries from which you may purchase medical cannabis in Allen. However, when prescription pick-up sites are hosted in the city, CURT-registered patients may visit the physical addresses of such sites to pick up orders completed online. A valid photo ID with your name and the last five digits of your SSN will be required when visiting.

The Average Price in Allen

Although there are dispensaries in the city, edibles cost between $40 and $90, topicals cost about $60, while tincture prices vary depending on the CBD to THC ratio. A 30 ml 600 milligrams 4:1 tincture costs about $80, while a 30 ml 3,000 milligrams 19:1 tincture costs about $200.

Most Popular Strains in Allen

Allen residents who buy low-THC cannabis products purchase Ringo's Gift, Suzy Q, and Charlotte's Web a lot.

Can You Smoke in Public in Allen?

No, it is illegal to smoke marijuana in public in Allen.

How Much Marijuana Can You Possess at Once in Allen?

Possession of marijuana is illegal due to the state's prohibition of the drug. However, individuals registered with the Compassionate Use Registry of Texas (CURT) as medical marijuana patients are allowed to possess cannabis with a low THC content, as determined by their physicians. These possession limits are indicated on the patients' prescriptions.

Can I Ship Cannabis in Allen?

No. Shipping cannabis is prohibited in Allen.

Can I Order Cannabis Online in Allen?

It is currently not possible to purchase cannabis online from Allen dispensaries. However, for individuals registered with the Compassionate Use Registry of Texas (CURT), it is possible to buy low-THC cannabis online from any of the dispensaries approved by the State of Texas. Such orders may be delivered to the doorsteps of the buyers in Allen.

Are there 24-hour Dispensaries in Allen?

No. There are no 24-hour dispensaries in the City of Allen.

Can Tourists Use Dispensaries in Allen?

There are no dispensaries operating in the City of Allen.

Do You Need ID for Dispensary in Allen?

You need a government-issued ID with your name and the last five numbers of your Social Security numbers to pick up your low-THC cannabis order from a mobile or temporary dispensary site in the city. However, there are presently no permanent dispensaries or mobile dispensary sites in the city.

Best Dispensaries in Allen

There are currently no dispensaries in Allen. However, goodblend, Texas Original, and Fluent (the only dispensaries approved to operate in Texas) may bring a mobile cannabis tour to the city for CURT-registered Allen patients to pick up their medical cannabis orders.

Do Dispensaries Scan your ID in Allen?

There are no cannabis dispensaries in the city. If a mobile dispensary operates in the city, as it sometimes occurs in other Texas jurisdictions, the dispensary will scan your ID to ensure you are registered in the Compassionate Use Registry of Texas.

How Many Dispensaries are in Allen?

There are no dispensaries in the City of Allen.

Can Dispensaries in Allen Take Credit Cards?

There are no dispensaries in the city. However, prescription pick-up sites that may operate in the city do not accept credit cards as marijuana is illegal federally.

How Many Dispensaries Can You Visit in One Day?

There are no permanent cannabis retail outlets in Allen.

Do Dispensaries in Allen Take Health Insurance?

There are presently no dispensaries in the City of Allen.

Do Dispensaries in Allen Track How Much Weed You Buy?

The City of Allen has no permanent dispensaries.

Can You Enter a Dispensary in Allen at Age 18?

Allen has no approved recreational cannabis dispensary. However, you may visit a mobile marijuana dispensing site (when such are operated in the city) to pick up your order if you are 18 or older.

Where Can I Find the Allen Cannabis Regulator’s Contact Information?

The cannabis regulatory agency in Allen is the Texas Department of Public Safety. You may reach the DPS using the contact information on the department’s website.

How Do I Report Illegal Cannabis Activities in Allen?

You may report illegal cannabis activities in Allen to the Texas Department of Public Safety or the Allen Police Department by calling the PD at (214) 509-4321. You may also submit a crime tip to the Allen Police Department using the tip tool on the department’s website.