Marijuana Dispensaries in Victoria

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Are there Marijuana Dispensaries in Victoria?

No, there are no marijuana dispensaries in Victoria. However, Texa-licensed cannabis dispensaries deliver low-THC/high-CBD marijuana products in the city. While medical cannabis in the form of low-THC marijuana is legal in Texas, the recreational use of cannabis remains illegal. Hence, as of January 2024, no adult-use weed dispensary operates in Victoria. Similarly, none of the state-licensed marijuana dispensaries can deliver recreational marijuana in the city.

Are there Medical Marijuana Dispensaries in Victoria?

No. None of the Texas-licensed medical marijuana dispensaries provide over-the-counter low-THC cannabis sales services in Victoria. However, per Section 487.201 of the Texas Health and Safety Code (HSC), municipalities may not prohibit the sale of low-THC marijuana products within their locality. The few licensed cannabis dispensaries in Texas deliver low-THC marijuana products to qualifying patients in the city.

In 2015, Texas enacted the Compassionate Use Act to legalize marijuana containing up to 1% THC for medical purposes. The enactment of this Act led to the establishment of the Texas Compassionate Use Program (CUP) and laid the framework for licensing marijuana dispensaries to enable qualifying patients to access low-THC marijuana.

Can You Buy Cannabis from Online Weed Dispensaries in Victoria?

Yes, persons living with certain debilitating medical conditions in Victoria and enrolled in the CUP can purchase low-THC cannabis online from any licensed marijuana dispensaries in Texas. However, they must have their physicians enter their prescriptions in the CURT before making the orders. Ordering marijuana online for recreational purposes in the city is impossible as the state prohibits adult-use cannabis. Texas marijuana laws permit low-THC cannabis delivery to physical addresses in Victoria and other parts of the state. However, buyers must show dispensaries' delivery employees their valid IDs before receiving their orders. It is essential to contact a dispensary to understand their mode of delivery before ordering from the business.

Visiting a Dispensary in Victoria

There are no marijuana dispensaries in Victoria, but residents can still visit dispensaries in other cities where they offer over-the-counter sales services to buy low-THC marijuana products. However, going to marijuana dispensaries is slightly different from what is obtainable in other states that have legalized cannabis. A qualifying patient registered in the CUP must engage their physician to input a prescription for them in the Compassionate Use Registry of Texas (CURT). No individual should visit a cannabis marijuana dispensary near Victoria until they have confirmed their prescription entry in the CURT, as dispensary employees will not attend to them.

The CURT is the same system via which licensed physicians enroll qualifying marijuana patients in the CUP, the state's medical marijuana program. Once a patient has confirmed their entry, they can visit any licensed cannabis dispensary near Victoria to fill their low-THC prescription. Typically, the dispensary staff will request to see their valid ID and ask them to provide their last name, date of birth, and the last five digits of their social security number (SSN). The employee will search the patient's prescription in the CURT and dispense low-THC cannabis to them as prescribed in the CURT.

Victoria Dispensary Laws

Although no licensed weed dispensary is located in Victoria, the city may not prohibit marijuana dispensaries from operating within its borders. Prospective marijuana dispensaries in Victoria must adhere to the following laws:

  • Licensed marijuana dispensaries may only sell marijuana products with no more than 1% THC. It is illegal for them to sell recreational cannabis
  • A cannabis dispensary may only operate legally in Victoria after securing the relevant license from the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS)
  • As stipulated in Section 12.7(n) of the Low-THC Cannabis Program Administrative Rules, a licensed marijuana dispensary must maintain a distance of at least 1,000 feet away from any daycare center or school
  • Before dispensing low-THC cannabis to qualifying patients, a licensed marijuana dispensary must check the CURT to ensure that patients have active prescriptions and are not already filled by another dispensary. After filling a patient's prescription, the cannabis dispensary must record the amount of low-THC marijuana dispensed as mandated by Section 487 of the Texas Health and Safety Code (HSC)

Recreational Laws in Victoria

Recreational marijuana is illegal in Texas, hence Victoria. Consequently, the sale, possession, purchase, and consumption of adult-use cannabis are unlawful and punishable offenses as stipulated in Sections 481.120 through 481.122 of the Texas Health and Safety Code.

Medical Cannabis Laws in Victoria

A person must be a permanent Texas resident and registered in the CUP to be able to consume low-THC cannabis in Victoria. Low-THC marijuana may only contain 1% THC concentration or less. Any cannabis with more than 1% THC in Victoria is considered recreational marijuana and is prohibited under Texas laws. Texas marijuana laws prohibit qualifying patients from cultivating their own marijuana plants at home. They may only meet their low-THC cannabis needs by visiting licensed marijuana dispensaries. Per Section 169.001 of the Texas Occupation Code, the consumption of medical cannabis by smoking is prohibited in Victoria.

How to Get a Medical Marijuana Card in Victoria

The Texas marijuana program, CUP, does not issue medical marijuana cards to qualified low-THC patients after their enrollment in the program. Generally, patients' registration in the CUP qualifies them for low-THC cannabis in Texas, including Victoria. A qualifying patient in Victoria must contact a licensed physician authorized to enroll patients in the Texas Compassionate Use Program and prescribe low-THC.

The physician will assess the patient and determine whether they are eligible for low-THC cannabis. If the physician finds out they are eligible, the patient will be enrolled in the CUP, and registration is free. Beginning from that point, patients must always engage their physicians to enter their prescriptions in the CURT whenever they need to fill them at any Texas-licensed cannabis dispensary.

Where is it Legal to Consume Cannabis in Victoria?

In Victoria, it is more appropriate to consume low-THC cannabis indoors in private residences than in public. The consumption of medical marijuana in public is illegal in Texas.

How to Buy Cannabis at a Victoria Dispensary

Patients qualified for low-THC cannabis in Victoria must contact their physicians to input their low-THC cannabis prescriptions in the CURT before proceeding to marijuana dispensaries near the city to fill them. Once this is done, they can enter any licensed dispensary, where the attending staff will search the CURT for their prescription and fill them. Typically, patients will be required to provide valid IDs and information such as last name, the last five digits of their SSN, and date of birth.

The Average Price in Victoria

An ounce of low-THC cannabis in cannabis dispensaries near Victoria sells for about $306.

Most Popular Strains in Victoria

The most popular marijuana strains used by qualifying patients in Victoria include Cherry Wine, Sour Space Candy, Elektra, ACDC, and Ringo's Gift. These strains have no more than 1% THC in compliance with Texas marijuana laws on low-THC cannabis.

Can You Smoke in Public in Victoria?

No, it is illegal to smoke cannabis in public in Victoria. Also, Section 169.001 of the Texas Occupation Code prohibits smoking low-THC marijuana.

How Much Marijuana Can You Possess at Once in Victoria?

In Victoria, the possession limits of low-THC cannabis by qualifying patients are set by their physicians. They may only have what is prescribed in the CURT per time as stipulated under Texas marijuana laws. The possession of any amount of adult-use cannabis is illegal.

Can I Ship Cannabis in Victoria?

No, it is against federal laws to ship cannabis into Victoria from other states.

Can I Order Cannabis Online in Victoria?

Yes, but only qualifying patients can order cannabis (with 1% THC or less) online in Victoria. Texas laws permit licensed marijuana dispensaries to deliver low-THC cannabis products to patients' physical addresses upon confirmation of their prescriptions in the CURT.

Are there 24-hour Dispensaries in Victoria?

There are no licensed marijuana dispensaries in Victoria.

Can Tourists Use Dispensaries in Victoria?

No. Although Victoria has no licensed marijuana dispensaries, anyone visiting the city from other states cannot purchase marijuana products at any licensed dispensary near Victoria. Only Texas permanent residents enrolled in the CUP can access low-THC marijuana.

Do You Need ID for Dispensary in Victoria?

Yes. Texas cannabis laws require patients to present valid IDs, among other information, to fill their low-THC cannabis prescriptions at cannabis dispensaries near Victoria.

Best Dispensaries in Victoria

There are no marijuana dispensaries in Victoria.

Do Dispensaries Scan your ID in Victoria?

There are no cannabis dispensaries in Victora. However, dispensaries in other cities may scan customers' IDs but are not mandated by law to do so.

How Many Dispensaries are in Victoria?

No Texas-licensed marijuana dispensary operates in Victoria, but all three dispensaries in the state provide low-THC cannabis delivery services in the city.

Can Dispensaries in Victoria Take Credit Cards?

No. Licensed marijuana dispensaries in Texas do not accept credit cards for payments.

How Many Dispensaries Can You Visit in One Day in Victoria?

While no weed dispensary operates in Victoria, there is no cap on the number of dispensaries near the city that low-THC cannabis patients can visit per day. However, patients must have active prescriptions in the CURT before visiting the dispensaries.

Do Dispensaries in Victoria Take Health Insurance?

No, marijuana dispensaries in Texas do not take health insurance. Health insurance companies are prohibited by federal law from paying for patients' cannabis purchases or treatments.

Do Dispensaries in Victoria Track How Much Weed You Buy?

Yes. Every low-THC cannabis prescription filled by licensed marijuana dispensaries near Victoria is recorded in the CURT.

Can You Enter a Dispensary in Victoria at Age 18?

Yes, low-THC cannabis patients in Victoria can enter licensed marijuana dispensaries near the city at the age of 18, provided they have active prescriptions in the CURT.

Where Can I Find Victoria Cannabis Regulator’s Contact Information?

The Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) regulates cannabis in Victoria, and its contact information can be found online on its website.

How Do I Report Illegal Cannabis Activities in Victoria?

Illegal marijuana activities in Victoria can be reported to the Criminal Investigations Division of the DPS at (844) 643-2251 or the Victoria Police Department at (361) 573-3221. Residents may also submit anonymous tips about illicit marijuana activities in Victoria to Victoria Crime Stoppers, Inc.