What Conditions Qualify for Medical Card in Texas (2025)

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How Many Medical Conditions Qualify for Medical Marijuana Treatment in Texas?

Currently, there are nine qualifying medical conditions approved for medical marijuana (low-THC cannabis) treatments in Texas.

Qualifying Conditions for Medical Card in Texas 2025

Under the Texas Compassionate Use Program (CUP), patients are only eligible for low-THC cannabis if diagnosed with one or more of the following qualifying medical conditions:

  • Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)
  • Autism
  • Cancer
  • Epilepsy
  • Incurable neurodegenerative disease
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Seizure disorder
  • Spasticity

The Texas Administrative Code clearly defines and lists the incurable neurodegenerative diseases recognized as qualifying for medical marijuana in the CUP.

Does Texas Add New Qualifying Conditions to its Medical Marijuana Program?

Yes. When the Texas Compassionate Use Act was first signed into law in 2015, the only qualifying condition for low-THC cannabis identified in the law was intractable epilepsy. However, this law makes provisions for adding new qualifying conditions for low-THC cannabis access. The state has since expanded its list of qualifying medical conditions multiple times. On September 1, 2021 when it passed HB 1535 into law. This led to the inclusion of PTSD, non-terminal cancer, and medical conditions designated by the state’s Health and Human Services Commission as part of approved research programs.

Does Texas Allow Physicians to Recommend Medical Cannabis for Non-Qualifying Conditions?

No. Medical providers registered in the Texas CUP can only recommend low-THC cannabis for conditions listed as qualifying for medical cannabis in the state.

Do You Need a Doctor’s Recommendation for Medical Marijuana in Texas?

Yes. To join the Compassionate Use Registry of Texas (CURT) patients must be recommended for low-THC cannabis by qualified physicians. While Texas physicians do not issue written certifications or recommendations for the patients they recommend, they enter their recommendations and patients’ details in the CURT, a necessary step for patients participating in the state’s medical cannabis program. Patients can find participating physicians registered in the CURT with the CUP search tool.

Who Qualifies for a Medical Marijuana Card in Texas?

While Texas does not issue a medical marijuana card, it still regulates who can join its medical marijuana program. In addition to getting recommended for low-THC cannabis by an eligible physician, patients applying to join the CURT must be permanent residents of Texas. There is no age restriction to joining the Texas low-THC program. Minors, however, may require the consent of their parents or legal guardians.

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