Marijuana Dispensaries in Pasadena

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Are there Marijuana Dispensaries in Pasadena?

No. There are no recreational cannabis dispensaries in Pasadena. Texas classifies cannabis as a controlled drug under its Controlled Substances Act and hence bans the sale of cannabis in the state.

Are there Medical Marijuana Dispensaries in Pasadena?

There are no medical marijuana dispensaries in Pasadena.

Can You Buy Cannabis from Online Weed Dispensaries in Pasadena?

You cannot order adult-use cannabis online from weed dispensaries in Pasadena. However, you may order medical cannabis online from any of the three approved dispensaries approved to sell low-THC cannabis statewide. Your order may be delivered to your location or a temporary dispensing site in the city.

Visiting a Dispensary in Pasadena

There are no cannabis dispensaries that you may visit in the City of Pasadena. However, you may fill your medical marijuana prescriptions at temporary pick-up locations in the city. You may also have medical marijuana delivered to your address. Regardless of the means through which you purchase medical cannabis, you must have your government-issued ID and low-THC prescription ready when receiving your order.

Pasadena Dispensary Laws

There are no authorized cannabis dispensaries in Pasadena. However, the Texas Compassionate Use Act requires cannabis dispensaries to obtain the relevant licenses from the Texas Department of Public Safety before commencing operations. Such businesses may only provide low-THC cannabis to qualified patients. No individual without valid registrations in the Compassionate Use of Registry of Texas (CURT) may be allowed to buy medical cannabis from dispensaries. Also, dispensaries may not sell beyond the cannabis amounts stated on the medical cannabis prescriptions of buyers.

Recreational Laws in Pasadena

Possessing or consuming cannabis for recreational uses in Pasadena is illegal due to cannabis' status as a controlled substance under the Texas Controlled Substances Act. Hence, Pasadena residents caught possessing cannabis without valid registrations in the Compassionate Use Registry of Texas face severe penalties. However, under Section 12.22 of the Texas Penal Code, possession of up to 2 ounces of marijuana is categorized as a Class B misdemeanor punishable by up to six months imprisonment and a $2,000 fine. Persons caught with cannabis on federally owned lands or buildings will also face federal charges, while individuals caught driving under the influence of cannabis risk DUI charges.

Medical Cannabis Laws in Pasadena

The Texas Compassionate Use Act makes medical marijuana use lawful for Pasadena patients enrolled with the Compassionate Use Registry of Texas. The Texas Compassionate Use Act creates regulations allowing physicians enrolled with the Texas Compassionate Use Registry to prescribe medicinal cannabis to eligible patients.

The Compassionate Use Act was first signed into law in June 2015, allowing low-THC cannabis to be used as a therapy for only intractable epilepsy. The Texas Compassionate Use Program (TCUP) was expanded in June 2019, allowing medical marijuana as a possible treatment for a much broader set of qualifying conditions, including all forms of epilepsy and seizure disorders, multiple sclerosis, autism, spasticity, Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), and terminal cancer. The TCUP expansion also covered other neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, Huntington's disease, and Chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE). Through the approval of HB 1535, the Compassionate Use Program enlarged the list of qualifying medical illnesses to include all cancer diagnoses and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in June 2021. It also raised the THC cap from 0.5% to 1%. Presently, Pasadena patients can obtain medical cannabis prescriptions for the conditions listed under Section 169.003 of the Texas Occupations Code.

While the CUA permits employees in Pasadena to consume marijuana if registered in the CURT, marijuana is still prohibited under federal law. Hence Pasadena employers are allowed to restrict cannabis use in workplaces. Although there are age restrictions to access medical cannabis under the CUA, persons under 18 may require the help of their parents or legal guardians to register in the CURT and obtain medical cannabis prescriptions.

States with medical marijuana programs have certain limits on where a person can lawfully consume cannabis. The same applies in Pasadena. Cannabis use is prohibited near schools, nurseries, parks, and other locations where children are anticipated. Use of cannabis on or within government property or buildings, hospitals, or other healthcare facilities is likewise prohibited. Private member clubs and landowners may also prohibit or restrict cannabis use on their properties. Private residences and homes are the safest environments for medicinal marijuana use. It is recommended that you keep medical cannabis use out of public view and adopt discreet consumption forms. Note that smoking medical cannabis is illegal, but low-THC cannabis products are permitted in the forms of topicals, edibles, and tinctures.

How to Get a Medical Marijuana Card in Pasadena

Medical marijuana cards are typically issued to qualifying patients as a form of authorization for the cardholder to purchase and possess medical cannabis legally. However, medical marijuana cards are not issued under the Texas Compassionate Use Program. The CUP only requires persons looking to access medical cannabis to register in the Compassionate Use Registry of Texas and obtain medical cannabis prescriptions.

To register in the CURT, follow these steps:

  • Find out if you are eligible: To qualify for CURT registration, you must:

  • Be a permanent resident in Pasadena or another Texas jurisdiction

  • Be diagnosed with a qualifying condition, such as:

    • Seizure disorders

    • Spasticity

    • Autism

    • Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis

    • Multiple Sclerosis

    • Epilepsy

    • Terminal cancer

    • An incurable neurodegenerative disease

  • Obtain a recommendation for medicinal cannabis from a qualified physician. The Texas Department of Public Safety maintains a list of healthcare practitioners authorized to issue medical cannabis recommendations. Note that your certifying physician will only issue a medical cannabis recommendation upon determining that the benefit of using low-THC cannabis outweighs the risk

The Texas Compassionate Use Program (TCUP) grants access to the CURT to approved healthcare practitioners, allowing them to complete the medical cannabis registrations for qualified persons. After the physician registers you in the CURT, the healthcare provider will also enter a prescription for you in the CURT. With the prescription, you can obtain medical cannabis from any of the three approved medical cannabis dispensaries in Texas. While Texas does not charge a fee for medical marijuana cards, the healthcare provider will charge a consultation fee.

Where is it Legal to Consume Cannabis in Pasadena?

Cannabis consumption for recreational use is prohibited in Pasadena. Medicinal cannabis use, while legal, is not permitted in public. Medical cannabis use is legal in private homes and residences.

How to Buy Cannabis at a Pasadena Dispensary

You cannot purchase recreational cannabis legally in Pasadena. While there are also no medical cannabis dispensaries in the city, you may buy low-THC cannabis products online from a Texas-approved low-THC cannabis dispensary and have the order delivered to your home.

The Average Price in Pasadena

A 4:1 tincture costs about $85, a 1:1 tincture costs $65, a 1:1 lozenge costs $35, and a 19:1 tincture costs about $160.

Most Popular Strains in Pasadena

Only low-THC cannabis products are sold in Pasadena. Hence, popular weed strains such as OG Kush, Larry OG, White Widow, and Durban Poison, which contain high THC levels are not sold in the city.

Can You Smoke in Public in Pasadena?

No, it is illegal to smoke cannabis in public in Pasadena. Smokable marijuana is banned in Pasadena. Only medical cannabis is legal, and such products can only be in the form of capsules, topicals, and edibles.

How Much Marijuana Can You Possess at Once in Pasadena?

CURT-registered patients in Pasadena are allowed to possess no more than the cannabis amounts stated on their low-THC cannabis prescriptions.

Can I Ship Cannabis in Pasadena?

No. Shipping cannabis in or out of Pasadena is illegal as it contravenes federal law. Note that interstate transportation is governed by federal law and United States laws consider marijuana a banned substance. Regardless of your status as a cannabis user (recreational or medical), shipping cannabis across state lines attracts serious penalties.

Can I Order Cannabis Online in Pasadena?

You cannot order adult-use weed online in Pasadena. However, if you are a CURT-registered patient in the city, you can order low-THC cannabis online from Texas-approved dispensaries. Note that there are no dispensaries located in the city.

Are there 24-hour Dispensaries in Pasadena?

No. There are no 24-hour dispensaries in the city.

Can Tourists Use Dispensaries in Pasadena?

Since recreational cannabis is illegal in Pasadena, there are no dispensaries that tourists may use to access adult-use cannabis. Although Pasadena residents may order medical cannabis online, only permanent residents in the city may do so.

Do You Need ID for Dispensary in Pasadena?

There are no requirements for accessing recreational cannabis in Pasadena, as no dispensaries are selling adult-use cannabis in the city. However, to pick up or receive your medical cannabis order, you need a valid ID and prescription from your certifying physician.

Best Dispensaries in Pasadena

There are no dispensaries in Pasadena. However, Texas Compassionate Cultivation, goodblend, and fluent allow Pasadena residents to order medical cannabis online and pick it up at temporary or mobile dispensing locations. You can find the address of temporary pickup sites in the city using the phrase "cannabis dispensaries near me" in a search engine.

Do Dispensaries Scan your ID in Pasadena?

There are no permanent dispensaries in the city. However, approved medical cannabis dispensaries in Texas sometimes provide temporary dispensing locations in the city. When you visit a temporary medical cannabis dispensing site in Pasadena, a dispensary employee will scan your ID card and prescription to verify your identity and CURT registration.

How Many Dispensaries are in Pasadena?

There are no weed dispensaries in Pasadena. Only three organizations are approved statewide to sell medicinal marijuana to CURT-registered medical cannabis patients.

Can Dispensaries in Pasadena Take Credit Cards?

Cannabis dispensaries selling medical pot to Pasadena residents online do not take credit cards. Cannabis purchases are commonly completed with cash or debit cards. You may also be able to pay for medical cannabis purchases via CanPay and AeroPay.

How Many Dispensaries Can You Visit in One Day?

You cannot visit a cannabis dispensary in Pasadena as no permanent dispensary exists there. However, you may visit multiple temporary or mobile dispensing facilities to obtain orders made online. Note that you cannot buy more cannabis products than is allowed according to your medical cannabis prescription.

Do Dispensaries in Pasadena Take Health Insurance?

There are no dispensaries in Pasadena. However, the authorized Texas dispensaries selling low-THC cannabis to patients in Pasadena do not accept health insurance. Note that federal laws guide health insurance companies. Hence, their policies reflect the federal government’s disposition on cannabis by refraining from supporting the sale of "illegal" substances.

However, one of the three authorized dispensaries in Texas, Texas Original Compassionate Cultivation, permits medical cannabis buyers to purchase low-THC cannabis using funds from Flexible Savings Accounts or Health Savings Accounts. Customers who provide their cards and PINs may receive reimbursement receipts.

Do Dispensaries in Pasadena Track How Much Weed You Buy?

Medical marijuana dispensaries use the Compassionate Use Registry of Texas to track low-THC cannabis purchases made by CURT-registered patients. Although there are no permanent weed dispensaries in the city, mobile dispensaries or temporary weed dispensary sites use the CURT to ensure patients do not buy more cannabis products than permitted.

Can You Enter a Dispensary in Pasadena at Age 18?

Pasadena has no approved recreational cannabis dispensary. However, if you are 18 or older and are registered in the CURT, you may visit temporary low-THC cannabis dispensing locations or prescription pick-up sites in the city.

Where Can I Find the Pasadena Cannabis Regulator’s Contact Information?

Cannabis activities in the City of Pasadena are administered by the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS). The headquarters of the Texas DPS is located at:

Texas Department of Public Safety

5805 North Lamar Blvd

Austin, TX 78752-4431

The DPS mailing address is:

PO Box 4087

Austin, TX 78773-0001

How Do I Report Illegal Cannabis Activities in Pasadena?

You may report illegal cannabis operations in Pasadena to the Texas Department of Safety or the Pasadena Police Department by calling PD at (713) 477-1511. To file a complaint to the Texas Department of Safety, contact the Department's Criminal Investigations Division by calling (844) 643-2251 or by reporting through the web app or via the iWatchtx iOS or Android app.