Marijuana Dispensaries in Rowlett

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Are there Marijuana Dispensaries in Rowlett?

No. As of March 2023, no marijuana dispensary operates within Rowlett's borders, even though Texas has legalized low-THC cannabis consumption for qualified persons. The state prohibits the sale, purchase, and consumption of marijuana for recreational purposes. As a result, it is illegal to operate a recreational weed dispensary anywhere in Texas, including Rowlett. However, a Texas lawmaker recently introduced House Bill 1937, which, if passed, would permit municipalities and counties to legalize recreational cannabis at the local level and establish adult-use marijuana dispensaries.

Are there Medical Marijuana Dispensaries in Rowlett?

There are no medical marijuana dispensaries in Rowlett. However, residents eligible for cannabis treatment can fill their prescriptions in nearby cities where Texas-licensed medical cannabis dispensaries operate. Texas passed the Compassionate Use Act in 2015, making the consumption and sale of low-THC marijuana (with no more than 1% THC) legal for patients with certain debilitating medical conditions. These health conditions include seizure disorders, epilepsy, autism, and multiple sclerosis.

The passage of the Compassionate Use Act created the Compassionate Use Program (CUP) and established the currently licensed medical marijuana dispensaries across Texas. While none of them has a retail shop in Rowlett, they can deliver low-THC cannabis to registered cannabis patients in the city.

Can You Buy Cannabis from Online Weed Dispensaries in Rowlett?

Yes. While it is possible to buy cannabis online from licensed cannabis dispensaries near Rowlett, the dispensaries would not sell marijuana for recreational purposes. Only persons living with certain debilitating conditions and enrolled in the CUP may purchase medical cannabis in the form of low-THC products. However, they must first inform their physicians to enter low-THC cannabis prescriptions in the Compassionate Use Registry of Texas (CURT), after which they can ask to refill the prescriptions online.

All-three licensed cannabis dispensaries in Texas maintain online menus on their websites from which customers can request to refill their low-THC cannabis prescriptions. The dispensaries can deliver cannabis to customers' local addresses in Rowlett. On the other hand, cannabis patients who order low-THC cannabis online in Rowlett can opt to pick up the orders from the dispensaries' pick-up locations within the city.

Visiting a Dispensary in Rowlett

Rowlett residents may only purchase low-THC cannabis at licensed marijuana dispensaries near the city because no dispensary is located in Rowlett. The sale of recreational marijuana remains illegal in Texas, and only qualifying patients registered in the CUP can purchase low-THC from licensed dispensaries. Under the CUP, a patient's licensed physician must enter their low-THC prescription in the CURT before the patient can visit a cannabis dispensary.

Once a cannabis patient in Rowlett gets a confirmation of low-THC cannabis prescription entry into the CURT from their physician, they can head to any Texas-licensed cannabis dispensary near them to fill it. They will be required to provide their last name, date of birth, the last five digits of their SSN (social security number), and a valid government-issued ID at the dispensary.

Rowlett Dispensary Laws

There are no marijuana dispensaries in Rowlett. However, Section 487.201 of the Texas Health and Safety Code (HSC) stipulates that municipalities may not prohibit the sale of low-THC cannabis products within their jurisdictions. This means that medical marijuana dispensaries may operate in Rowlett. Generally, no Texas-licensed cannabis dispensary is permitted to sell adult-use cannabis; their marijuana products must not have more than 1% THC concentration. They must check the CURT for patients' low-THC prescriptions before filling them. Cannabis dispensaries are prohibited from operating within 1,000 feet of any school or daycare center.

Recreational Laws in Rowlett

The recreational use of marijuana is prohibited in Rowlett, in compliance with Texas cannabis laws.

Medical Cannabis Laws in Rowlett

Qualifying cannabis patients in Rowlett must always comply with the following medical cannabis laws:

  • They may only consume cannabis with low-THC content (1% or less THC)
  • Cannabis patients must not consume low-THC cannabis while driving
  • It is illegal to consume low-THC cannabis products on federal lands in Rowlett due to the federal ban on marijuana
  • Cannabis patients are prohibited from cultivating marijuana plants at home for personal use. They may only obtain low-THC cannabis products from licensed medical marijuana dispensaries

How to Get a Medical Marijuana Card in Rowlett

Medical marijuana cards are not required to fill low-THC cannabis prescriptions in Texas. Rowlett residents eligible for low-THC marijuana must enroll in the Texas Compassionate Use Program (CUP) to have legal access to it. A qualifying patient must contact any participating licensed physician nearby licensed to prescribe low-THC cannabis who will enroll them in the CUP. If the patient is found eligible for low-THC cannabis treatment after the physician evaluates the patient's condition, they (the physician) will register the patient in the CUP via CURT. The CURT is a system that enables licensed physicians to enroll and prescribe low-THC marijuana to qualifying patients.

Where is it Legal to Consume Cannabis in Rowlett?

Texas prohibits consuming marijuana in public everywhere in the state, including Rowlett. It is legal for low-THC cannabis patients in Rowlett to consume their prescriptions within the confines of their homes.

How to Buy Cannabis at a Rowlett Dispensary

Before heading to the dispensary to refill their low-THC cannabis prescriptions, qualified cannabis patients in Rowlett must engage their physician to prescribe the required dosage for them on the CURT. No medical marijuana dispensary will dispense low-THC cannabis to any patient whose prescription is not entered in the CURT. At the dispensary, the patient must provide a valid ID and information such as last name, date of birth, and the last five digits of their SSN. It is also essential to come to the dispensary with cash to refill their low-THC cannabis prescriptions.

The Average Price in Rowlett

It costs about $300 to buy an ounce of low-THC cannabis in licensed medical marijuana dispensaries near Rowlett.

Most Popular Strains in Rowlett

Only low-THC cannabis, with no more than 1% THC concentration, is legal for medical use in Rowlett. The most popular strains of low-THC cannabis consumed in the city include Space Candy, Harle-Tsu, Suzy Q, Ringo's Gift, Charlotte's Web, Lifter, Elektra, and ACDC.

Can You Smoke in Public in Rowlett?

No, smoking cannabis in public in Rowlett is unlawful. Besides, Section 169.001 of the Texas Occupation Code prohibits the consumption of low-THC cannabis by smoking.

How Much Marijuana Can You Possess at Once in Rowlett?

The amount of low-THC cannabis a medical marijuana patient can possess at once in Rowlett is determined by their physicians. Typically, licensed physicians must enter patients' prescriptions in the CURT, and no patient may purchase beyond the prescribed low-THC cannabis dosage. Texas prohibits recreational marijuana; hence, it is illegal to possess even the tiniest amount of adult-use cannabis in Rowlett.

Can I Ship Cannabis in Rowlett?

Shipping marijuana across state lines into Rowlett or any other part of Texas is a federal offense. Cannabis remains a controlled substance at the federal level, and it is illegal to transport it in-between states, not even by mail.

Can I Order Cannabis Online in Rowlett?

Yes. Registered low-THC cannabis patients in Rowlette can order their prescriptions online from licensed medical cannabis dispensaries in nearby cities. However, they must have active low-THC cannabis prescriptions in the CURT before they can make the orders. Patients may have their orders delivered to them at home or choose to pick them up at the dispensaries' pick-up locations in Rowlett.

Are there 24-hour Dispensaries in Rowlett?

No. None of the Texas-licensed medical marijuana dispensaries provides over-the-counter sale services in Rowlett.

Can Tourists Use Dispensaries in Rowlett?

Rowlett does not have any licensed marijuana dispensary. Generally, tourists are not permitted to purchase cannabis in Texas because adult-use cannabis is prohibited, and the state does not practice medical cannabis reciprocity.

Do You Need ID for Dispensary in Rowlett?

Yes. Among other things that a registered patient must have when visiting a licensed medical marijuana dispensary near Rowlett is a valid government-issued identification card.

Best Dispensaries in Rowlett

There are no marijuana dispensaries in Rowlett.

Do Dispensaries Scan your ID in Rowlett?

While it is not mandatory, Texas-licensed dispensaries near Rowlett may scan patients' valid IDs before filling their low-THC prescriptions.

How Many Dispensaries are in Rowlett?

Currently, no licensed cannabis dispensary operates in Rowlett. However, the three licensed medical cannabis dispensaries in Texas deliver low-THC cannabis products in Rowlett.

Can Dispensaries in Rowlett Take Credit Cards?

No. Federal laws prohibit cannabis dispensaries in Rowlett from accepting credit cards for cannabis sales.

How Many Dispensaries Can You Visit in One Day in Rowlett?

Under Texas cannabis laws, no cap is set on the number of dispensaries low-THC cannabis patients can visit in a day to refill their prescriptions. However, no patient can have more low-THC cannabis than is prescribed in the CURT.

Do Dispensaries in Rowlett Take Health Insurance?

Medical marijuana dispensaries near Rowlett do not take health insurance for low-THC purchases.

Do Dispensaries in Rowlett Track How Much Weed You Buy?

Yes. The record of low-THC cannabis dispensed to cannabis patients by dispensaries near Rowlett is always maintained in the CURT.

Can You Enter a Dispensary in Rowlett at Age 18?

At age 18, a registered low-THC cannabis patient in Rowlett can enter a licensed marijuana dispensary near the city to refill their low-THC cannabis prescription.

Where Can I Find Rowlett Cannabis Regulator’s Contact Information?

The contact information of the Rowlett cannabis regulator, the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS), can be found on the department's website.

How Do I Report Illegal Cannabis Activities in Rowlett?

The Rowlett Police Department is open to taking reports of illegal cannabis activities in the city at (972) 412-6200.