Marijuana Dispensaries in Beaumont

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Are there Marijuana Dispensaries in Beaumont?

No. Per state law, cannabis is still a prohibited drug in all Texas jurisdictions, and its sale is illegal as no licenses are issued by the state or the City of Beaumont permitting the sale of the substance.

Are there Medical Marijuana Dispensaries in Beaumont?

No. There are no permanent medical marijuana dispensaries in the city. While the state allows qualified residents to purchase low-THC cannabis, Beaumont residents cannot visit a physical location in the city to buy medical cannabis.

Can You Buy Cannabis from Online Weed Dispensaries in Beaumont?

There are no online weed dispensaries operating in the City of Beaumont. Residents who want to purchase recreational cannabis online cannot do so, as there are no approved cannabis retail outlets selling adult-use marijuana in the city. Residents of Beaumont who intend to buy low-THC cannabis can order such products online from any of the three dispensaries approved by the state. None of the three cannabis businesses is located in Beaumont.

Visiting a Dispensary in Beaumont

There are no permanent cannabis dispensaries in the city. However, per city, the state allows the three approved dispensaries to set up mobile dispensaries to permit Beaumont residents to pick up their orders. To pick up your order from such facilities, you must have a valid medical cannabis prescription and a government-issued ID containing your date of birth and name.

Beaumont Dispensary Laws

Beaumont makes no provision in its code of ordinances for the operation of cannabis dispensaries within its jurisdiction. However, any mobile dispensary or temporary prescription site that may be operated in the city must comply with state laws. Under the Department of Public Safety regulations, no person without a valid medical cannabis prescription issued under the Texas Compassionate Use Program may be sold medical cannabis products. Dispensing sites must ensure that sales are tracked and that patients do not purchase more cannabis than is permitted on their medical cannabis prescriptions.

Recreational Laws in Beaumont

It is illegal to have, sell, or buy cannabis in Beaumont, as marijuana is prohibited for recreational or personal use in the city. Chapter 12 of the state penal code stipulates relatively minor punishments for the possession of small amounts of cannabis. Possession of less than two ounces of marijuana is a Class B misdemeanor punishable by up to 6 months imprisonment and a fine of $2,000. Possessing between 2 and 4 ounces is a Class A misdemeanor, punishable by up to 12 months imprisonment and a fine of up to $4,000. It is illegal to drive under the influence of cannabis, and the possession of cannabis on federal lands and properties may be considered a federal offense.

Medical Cannabis Laws in Beaumont

Beaumont medical cannabis laws are the same as the state laws governing medical cannabis use and possession. The state law does not make provisions for medical marijuana except in cases that fit its compassionate use law. The Texas Compassionate Use Act was approved in 2015, allowing qualified doctors approved under the Texas Compassionate Use Program to prescribe low-THC cannabis to patients with certain conditions. The state defines low-THC cannabis as cannabis products that do not contain more than 1% THC.

Under the Texas Compassionate Use Program, Beaumont residents can access low-THC cannabis products by obtaining low-THC cannabis prescriptions after enrolling in the Compassionate Use Registry. The registry keeps the information of physicians and patients permitted to participate in the state's restricted medical cannabis program. The maximum amount of low-THC cannabis products that patients may possess is stated on their prescriptions. No Texas Compassionate Use Program participant is permitted to cultivate cannabis at home. The Program does not make medical cannabis accessible to out-of-state patients and does not permit participants to drive if impaired from medical cannabis use.

How to Get a Medical Marijuana Card in Beaumont

The Texas Compassionate Use Program (TCUP) is not administered in the same way as other medical cannabis programs in other states. Under the TCUP, participants are only required to have valid medical marijuana prescriptions issued by physicians approved under the program to be able to purchase medical cannabis. However, before you may get a medical cannabis prescription, you must be enrolled in the Compassionate Use Registry (CURT).

To be eligible for inclusion in the state registry, you must:

  • Be a permanent Texas resident

  • Have one of the approved conditions for medical marijuana use in Texas, such as:

    • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

    • Epilepsy

    • Seizure disorder

    • Multiple Sclerosis

    • Autism

    • Cancer

    • Incurable neurodegenerative diseases

    • Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis

    • Spasticity

Have a TCUP-approved physician certify you have one or more of the conditions listed and determine that the risk of medical cannabis use is reasonable despite the associated risk. To verify that your physician is approved under the TCUP, see the Department of Public Safety's list of healthcare practitioners certified to enroll patients in the CURT.

After your physician enrolls you in the CURT, the healthcare practitioner will issue you a medical cannabis prescription which you may use to buy low-THC cannabis. If you are under the age of 18, the physician may also add the information of your caregiver or legal guardian to the CURT.

Where is it Legal to Consume Cannabis in Beaumont?

Neither Texas nor the City of Beaumont stipulates where medical cannabis may be consumed by patients registered in the CURT. However, it is recommended that you use low-THC cannabis in your residence or private property. No consumption of recreational cannabis may be done in public or private.

How to Buy Cannabis at a Beaumont Dispensary

There are no physical dispensaries where you may buy cannabis in Beaumont. Cannabis for recreational purposes is prohibited and is not sold in the city, whereas low-THC cannabis is sold online but not through Texas-licensed dispensaries. Low-THC cannabis may be delivered to customers in Beaumont by any of the three dispensaries approved in Texas. Therefore, to get medicinal marijuana in Beaumont, you must order from one of the three authorized dispensaries.

Before completing your purchase, you must be registered with the Texas Compassionate Use Registry and possess a valid medical cannabis prescription. You can have your item delivered to your home or pick it up from a medical cannabis prescription pick-up location. Note that the prescription pick-up site only operates occasionally and is not a permanent outlet. In addition, you must provide a government-issued ID stating your name and age in order to collect your purchase.

The Average Price in Beaumont

Recreational cannabis is not sold in Beaumont or anywhere in Texas. However, the prices of medical cannabis (low-THC) cannabis products sold online to Beaumont residents vary depending on the dispensary and the CBD to THC ratio. Typically, a bottle of low-THC cannabis oil is sold for about $80.

Most Popular Strains in Beaumont

Cannabis strains sold to Beaumont residents contain minimal levels of THC. Per state law, such products may contain no more than 1% THC. Due to the low THC level requirement, most products sold are made from hemp.

Can You Smoke in Public in Beaumont?

No. Smoking in public places in Beaumont is illegal. Per Section 10.03.032 of the city code, smoking in an enclosed public place or area of a workplace, a seating area of an outdoor area, stadium, or amphitheater, is an offense. The city defines a public place as an enclosed area or portion accessible to the public or to which the public is admitted by general invitation.

How Much Marijuana Can You Possess at Once in Beaumont?

Beaumont residents enrolled in the CURT with active medical cannabis prescriptions can possess as much low-THC cannabis as is stated on their prescriptions. Purchases are monitored via the CURT to ensure no individual purchases more cannabis than is permitted. While it is an offense to hold any amount of cannabis for recreational uses, Beaumont residents who possess less than two ounces of cannabis will only be charged with a Class B misdemeanor.

Can I Ship Cannabis in Beaumont?

No. Shipping cannabis across state lines is illegal in the city. It is a crime to possess, transport, or distribute cannabis in all Texas jurisdictions. Even if you are registered in the Compassionate Use Registry of Texas, it is illegal to ship cannabis across state law as federal law deems cannabis a controlled substance.

Can I Order Cannabis Online in Beaumont?

There are no dispensaries established under Beaumont laws selling recreational or medical cannabis to residents. Still, Beaumont residents can order cannabis online from any of the three approved dispensaries in the state. Note that only persons with active medical marijuana prescriptions for low-THC cannabis can order cannabis from the dispensaries.

Are there 24-hour Dispensaries in Beaumont?

No. There are no 24-hour dispensaries operating in Beaumont.

Can Tourists Use Dispensaries in Beaumont?

Tourists cannot use dispensaries in Beaumont as there are no dispensaries located in the city. Although mobile cannabis dispensaries may operate temporarily in the city to permit low-THC cannabis buyers to obtain their orders, tourists are prohibited from using such services. Per state law, only permanent residents of Texas are allowed to purchase medical cannabis in Beaumont.

Do You Need ID for Dispensary in Beaumont?

Yes. In order to purchase low-THC cannabis online in Beaumont, you must have a valid medical cannabis prescription and provide a government-issued photo ID with your name, date of birth, and some digits of your Social Security number. This requirement applies to obtaining the delivery of low-THC cannabis or picking it up at a dispensing site, even though there are permanent physical locations for dispensaries in the city.

Best Dispensaries in Beaumont

It is not possible to purchase cannabis from a physical store in Beaumont, as the sale of cannabis is illegal in Texas. However, residents of Beaumont can buy low-THC cannabis online from one of the three approved dispensaries in Texas: Goodblend, Texas Original, or Fluent. These dispensaries sell low-THC cannabis products online to residents of Beaumont.

Do Dispensaries Scan your ID in Beaumont?

In order to ensure that the persons named on the medical cannabis prescriptions are the same as the intended cannabis buyers, dispensaries selling low-THC cannabis to Beaumont residents are likely to scan their IDs. Texas requires its approved dispensaries to ensure that only authorized individuals are allowed to purchase cannabis products from these establishments.

How Many Dispensaries are in Beaumont?

None of Texas' three approved dispensaries have a permanent dispensing location in Beaumont. Beaumont residents may, however, purchase low-THC cannabis online from these businesses. It is also possible to have mobile cannabis bus tours offering delivery sites from any of the approved dispensaries.

Can Dispensaries in Beaumont Take Credit Cards?

Cannabis dispensaries in Beaumont do not accept credit card payments due to marijuana's status at the federal level. Note that cannabis is federally classified as a prohibited substance that may not be sold. Credit card companies follow federal laws and therefore do not permit the use of their services for marijuana purchases. It is common for marijuana businesses to prefer cash payments.

How Many Dispensaries Can You Visit in One Day in Beaumont?

In Beaumont, there are no laws restricting the number of cannabis dispensaries that a patient can visit in a single day. However, purchases of low-THC cannabis products are monitored through the Compassionate Use Registry of Texas, so patients cannot buy more than the amount of cannabis specified on their prescriptions.

Do Dispensaries in Beaumont Take Health Insurance?

No. Because health insurance companies operate under federal laws, they are not able to facilitate transactions involving cannabis. Note that cannabis is still considered illegal federally under the Controlled Substances Act, so it is not permitted to use health insurance to pay for cannabis purchases.

Do Dispensaries in Beaumont Track How Much Weed You Buy?

Texas dispensaries must track all sales of low-THC cannabis. While there are no permanent dispensaries in Beaumont, any potential mobile dispensaries or temporary prescription pick-up facilities in the area will also be required to track the amount of cannabis purchased by buyers. This helps to ensure that patients do not exceed the medical cannabis possession limits specified on their prescriptions.

Can You Enter a Dispensary in Beaumont at Age 18?

There are no licensed dispensaries located in the city. However, if you are 18 or older and have a valid medical cannabis prescription issued through the Texas Compassionate Use Program (TCUP), you may visit a potential mobile dispensary or prescription fill-up site in Beaumont. If you are not yet 18, a prescription pick-up facility may insist on having your parent or legal guardian fill your prescription.

Where Can I Find Beaumont Cannabis Regulator’s Contact Information?

Beaumont's cannabis regulator is the Texas Department of Public Safety. You can contact the DPS at:

Texas Department of Public Safety

5805 North Lamar Blvd

Austin, TX 78752-4431


PO Box 4087

Austin, TX 78773-0001

How Do I Report Illegal Cannabis Activities in Beaumont?

Beaumont residents may report illegal cannabis activities within the city limits to the Beaumont Police Department at (409) 832-1234. Residents may also file complaints to the Criminal Investigations Division of the Department of Public Safety at (844) 643-2251.