Marijuana Dispensaries in Flower Mound

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Are there Marijuana Dispensaries in Flower Mound?

No, there are no dispensaries in Flower Mound. Marijuana is legal for medical use only in Flower Mound's home state, Texas. Recreational marijuana is strictly prohibited. Medical marijuana use was initially legalized in 2015 when the Texas Compassionate Use Act was passed. The Act gave patients who suffered from chronic epilepsy access to low-THC cannabis oil. Qualifying patients had to be certified by two specialist doctors. In 2019, the Texas Legislature enacted a more comprehensive medical marijuana bill, with the passage of House Bill 3703. HB 3703 increased the number of qualifying conditions for low-THC cannabis treatment. In 2021, HB 1535 was signed into law by Governor Greg Abbott, sdding cancer and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) to the list of qualifying conditions. The medical marijuana program in Texas is overseen by the Texas Department of Public Safety.

Are there Medical Marijuana Dispensaries in Flower Mound?

No, there are no medical marijuana dispensaries in Flower Mound. Texas law only permits three dispensaries to operate across the entire state, and none is located in Flower Mound. However, they offer cannabis delivery services to qualified and registered cannabis patients in Flower Mound. The Texas Department of Public Safety is currently accepting applications for additional dispensing organization licenses.

Can You Buy Cannabis from Online Weed Dispensaries in Flower Mound?

It is possible to buy cannabis from online weed dispensaries located near Flower Mound by placing an order with one of the three licensed dispensaries in Texas. These dispensaries can deliver medical cannabis products to Flower Mound residents. However, a licensed doctor must enter a patient’s prescription into the CURT system so that it can be verified by the dispensary before the sale and delivery of cannabis to the patient.

Visiting a Dispensary in Flower Mound

There are no cannabis dispensaries in Flower Mound itself, but qualifying patients can visit medical marijuana dispensaries located in cities near Flower Mound. One means of finding dispensaries is to search online. Only legal residents of Texas can access medical marijuana at dispensaries. Residents of Flower Mound who visit dispensaries near the city must carry valid prescriptions from their doctors.

Flower Mound Dispensary Laws

There are no dispensaries in Flower Mound.

Recreational Laws in Flower Mound

Recreational marijuana is illegal in Flower Mound and in the rest of the state of Texas. Persons found in possession of marijuana without a valid prescription face the following penalties:

  • Possession of less than 2 oz of marijuana is a misdemeanor under Texas law and offenders face a prison sentence of up to 6 months and a fine of up to $2,000

  • Possession of between 2 and 4 oz of marijuana will result in a prison sentence of up to one year and a fine of up to $4,000

  • Possession of between 4 oz and 5 lbs of marijuana will result in a prison sentence of between 6 months and 2 years and a fine of up to $10,000

Medical Cannabis Laws in Flower Mound

Texas cannabis laws apply in Flower Mound, and they include the following:

  • Medical cannabis can only be sold or consumed in non-smokable forms. Medical cannabis sold in dispensaries near Flower Mound must be in forms such as oils, tinctures, lozenges, and capsules

  • Only a licensed physician can prescribe medical cannabis for a qualifying patient

  • Medical cannabis products must contain not more than 0.5% THC and not less than 10% CBD

  • Only qualifying patients who are legal residents of Texas can access medical cannabis in Flower Mound

  • Only patients who suffer from one of the qualifying conditions approved by law can access medical cannabis

  • Before prescribing medical cannabis, doctors must determine that the benefits of the treatment to the qualifying patient outweigh the potential risks

How to Get a Medical Marijuana Card in Flower Mound

Texas does not issue medical marijuana cards under the state’s Compassionate Use Program (CUP). In order to legally purchase medical marijuana from licensed dispensaries, a qualifying patient has to obtain a prescription from a licensed doctor. Licensed doctors in Flower Mound can enroll qualifying patients in the Compassionate Use Registry of Texas (CURT).

Where is it Legal to Consume Cannabis in Flower Mound?

Under Texas law, there are no prescribed areas for the consumption of cannabis, but it is safer to consume medical cannabis in one’s private residence in Flower Mound.

The Average Price in Flower Mound

There are no medical marijuana dispensaries in Flower Mound. The average price of high-quality marijuana in dispensaries near Flower Mound is $322 per ounce. Medium-quality medical marijuana retails for about $249 per ounce.

Most Popular Strains in Flower Mound

Although there are no dispensaries in Flower Mound, the most popular strains of medical marijuana sold in dispensaries near Flower Mound include the following:

  • Clementine

  • Durban Poison

  • Forbidden Fruit

  • Green Crack

  • Grape Ape

  • Strawberry Cough

  • Super Lemon Haze

Can You Smoke in Public in Flower Mound?

No, public smoking of cannabis is not permitted in Flower Mound. Dispensaries in the state of Texas are prohibited from selling smokable medical cannabis products.

How Much Marijuana Can You Possess at Once in Flower Mound?

Because recreational marijuana is still illegal in Flower Mound and in its home state, Texas, the possession of up to 2 oz without a doctor's prescription is regarded as a misdemeanor. There are no set possession limits for medical cannabis. However, dispensaries are required to verify that the amount listed on the patient's prescription is the same amount entered by their doctor on the Compassionate Use Registry of Texas.

Can I Ship Cannabis in Flower Mound?

Because cannabis is still a prohibited substance under the federal Controlled Substances Act, it is not legal to ship it into Flower Mound from other states.

Can I Order Cannabis Online in Flower Mound?

Flower Mound residents can order cannabis online from dispensaries nearby. Some dispensaries in Texas provide pickup locations for residents of cities where there are no dispensaries in operation.

Are there 24-hour Dispensaries in Flower Mound?

No, there are no dispensaries in Flower Mound, and no 24-hour dispensaries in locations near the city.

Can Tourists Use Dispensaries in Flower Mound?

Texas does not recognize out-of-state medical marijuana cards, and tourists are not allowed to purchase medical cannabis from dispensaries located near Flower Mound or anywhere else in Texas.

Do You Need ID for Dispensaries in Flower Mound?

There are no dispensaries in Flower Mound, but Texas law makes it compulsory for qualifying patients who visit dispensaries located near Flower Mound to present valid IDs. They must also present valid prescriptions. Dispensary staff are also required to check that the patient's name is listed in the CURT.

Best Dispensaries in Flower Mound

There are no dispensaries in Flower Mound.

Do Dispensaries Scan Your ID in Flower Mound?

There is no explicit requirement for dispensaries located near Flower Mound to scan the IDs of customers. However, qualifying patients or their caregivers must present valid residency IDs and valid prescriptions for medical cannabis. Dispensary staff are required to verify patient details on the Compassionate Use Registry of Texas.

How Many Dispensaries are in Flower Mound?

There are no dispensaries in Flower Mound. Qualifying patients who live in Flower Mound can visit nearby cities where medical cannabis dispensaries are located in order to make their purchases.

Can Dispensaries in Flower Mound Take Credit Cards?

There are no dispensaries in Flower Mound. Dispensaries near Flower Mound do not accept credit card payments for medical marijuana products.

How Many Dispensaries Can You Visit in One Day in Flower Mound?

There are no dispensaries in Flower Mound, but there are no limits to the number of dispensaries near Flower Mound that a person can visit. All medical cannabis purchases must, however, be within the legal limit.

Do Dispensaries in Flower Mound Take Health Insurance?

There are no dispensaries in Flower Mound. However, dispensaries located nearby do not accept health insurance as payment for medical marijuana purchases.

Do Dispensaries in Flower Mound Track How Much Weed You Buy?

There are no dispensaries in Flower Mound. Texas cannabis law requires dispensaries to ensure that qualifying patients only purchase the amount of medical marijuana specified in a doctor's prescription. Under the provisions of HB 3703, dispensaries must record the amount of medical weed dispensed to a patient, as well as the date and time of each purchase.

Can You Enter a Dispensary in Flower Mound at Age 18?

Flower Mound has no cannabis dispensaries, but HB 3703 permits persons who are 18 years old to enter medical cannabis dispensaries near Flower Mound to make purchases.

Where Can I Find Flower Mound Cannabis Regulator's Contact Information?

The Texas Department of Public Safety website has the Flower Mound Cannabis Regulator’s contact information.

How Do I Report Illegal Cannabis Activities in Flower Mound?

Persons who want to report illegal cannabis activities in Flower Mound can contact the Flower Mound Police Department at (972)-874-6000 or in person at:

Flower Mound Police Department

2121 Cross Timbers Road

Flower Mound, TX 75028

Illegal cannabis activities can also be reported to the Texas Department of Public Safety at (844)-643-2251.