Currently, no Texas law regulates the licensing of cannabis testing laboratories in the state. Although Chapter 487 of the state's Health and Safety Code regulates the processing, cultivation, and dispensing of low-THC cannabis, it does not address the licensing of low-THC marijuana testing laboratories. As of early 2024, only licensed dispensing organizations in the state may test low-THC cannabis, and no independent marijuana testing lab has been licensed. A bill seeking to allow the licensing of testing facilities in Texas, House Bill 1356, was introduced in February 2019. However, it is currently stuck in the Health and Human Services Committee of the Senate.
The Texas Department of Public Safety has not been authorized to license any independent cannabis testing facility. However, if passed, Section 487.1021 of HB 1365 stipulates the requirements for cannabis testing facilities in the state, including ISO/IEC 17025 or a successor standard.
No cannabis testing laboratory has been licensed in Texas. However, per Title 37, Section 12.7 of the state's Administrative Code, licensed dispensing organizations are required to test cannabis products for the levels of the following:
There are no licensed marijuana testing labs in Texas, and currently, no state law requires dispensing organizations to submit or report cannabis test results.
Currently, dispensing organizations are responsible for testing their own low-THC cannabis in Texas. The state has yet to make provisions for licensing cannabis testing facilities.
Cannabis products that fail laboratory tests in Texas are expected to be destroyed. The state's low-THC cannabis Program Administrative Rules require a dispensing organization to have a plan for establishing a product recall should the following happen:
Generally, the plan should include how to identify affected products, notify consumers who purchased them, and destroy such products once retrieved.
The following Texas dispensing organizations are responsible for testing low-THC cannabis in the state: